Acupuncture for digestive problems
While most people think of acupuncture being used for musculoskeletal issues, the technique is used for many other health issues, too. Acupuncture for digestive issues is a safe and natural avenue. For digestive issues, researchers think acupuncture works by improving the gut-brain interaction — the “communication system” involving the nerves between the digestive tract and the brain.
Studies show acupuncture may help with gastrointestinal disorders by stimulating nervous system responses that help control gut motility. By either stimulating or relaxing gut movement, acupuncture may help relieve digestive symptoms by helping with the underlying digestive process.
Current research shows acupuncture can be helpful in treating many types of digestive disorders, including:
Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Crohn’s symptoms
Chronic indigestion
At least one study found patients with GERD responded better to treatment when acupuncture was added to their therapy. The same study found patients treated with acupuncture reported a better quality of life following their treatment, and they were less likely to have a recurrence of GERD symptoms.
Most people find acupuncture for digestive problems the perfect fit.
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